SCADA operating systems


  • more accurate process control, stabilization of product quality and reduction of scrap rate;     

  • reduction of operator's actions in order to concentrate his attention on development of more effective decisions on process control - software control of correctness of remote control commands development and, consequently, minimization of the number of errors made by operators;
  • automatic detection and notification of emergency and pre-emergency situations;
  • provision of all necessary information to the personnel in the form of various reports;
  • analysis of factors affecting the quality of finished products;
  • operational change of the technological process

    Operating principle
    • Data exchange with "object communication devices" (i.e. industrial controllers and I/O boards) in real time via drivers.
    • Real-time information processing.
    • Logic control.
    • Displaying information on the monitor screen in a human-friendly and understandable form.
    • Maintaining a real-time database of process information.
    • Alarm signaling and alarm management.
    • Preparation and generation of reports on the course of the technological process.
    • Networking between SCADA PCs.
    • Providing communication with external applications (DBMS, spreadsheets, word processors, etc.).
    • In the enterprise management system such applications are most often the applications referred to the MES level
    • SCADA-systems allow you to develop APCS as stand-alone applications, as well as in client-server or distributed architecture.

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