Detailed engineering problems
In order to maximize the service life of refractory lining of thermal units, Bakor STC offers a comprehensive solution to problems, including:
- Execution of the project of lining of high-temperature furnaces of various purposes, in accordance with the ToR of the Customer.
- Development and selection of compositions and grades of refractories for different zones of furnace lining.
- Justification and issuance of recommendations on rational arrangement of refractories, providing equal and proportional wear of furnace lining during its operation.
- Complete machining of refractory products.
- Bench assembly and marking of units of the entire furnace lining.
- Author's supervision and supervision of furnace lining installation by the specialists of Bakor STC.
- Issuance of recommendations on furnace commissioning in the technological mode.
- Technological support of furnace operation by specialists of the center.
- Audit of furnace lining condition during operation.
- Inspection of the furnace lining after completion of its working campaign, analysis of refractory service and issuing recommendations on furnace refractories for the next campaign.