R&D center of innovative solutions for dewatering and beneficiation

R&D center of innovative solutions for dewatering and beneficiation

Bakor STC offers research and development on dewatering of mineral processing products.  We help to reduce the cost of transporting concentrates, organize a full water cycle at the plant, while reducing production costs and minimizing the negative impact on the environment. Our research makes it possible to bring commodity products to conditioned moisture content in accordance with customer requirements and to reduce the content of solid phase in recycled water to the necessary level to reuse it repeatedly in technological processes.

What can you order from us? 

  • determination of an effective dewatering method in accordance with the ToR;

  • confirmation of the stability of indicators during the optimal filter cycle in closed cycle plants;

  • carrying out pilot tests on the basis of our own dewatering complex and at the customer's enterprise;

  • development of technological regulations for dewatering of enrichment products;

  • preparation of initial data for design;

  • development of feasibility study of equipment application efficiency.

Studies on liquid purification processes in various industries:
  • technology of suspension concentration in various industries - dairy, microbiological, medical, textile, pulp and paper, chemical and petrochemical industries;
  • creation of optimal (maximum productivity, minimum cake moisture) technology of slurry dewatering for various industries (iron ore slurries, non-ferrous metal slurries, apatite ore slurries, cyanide-containing slurries, etc.);
  • cleaning of various industrial electrolytes from mechanical impurities;
  • creation of closed water circulation systems for various technological processes;
  • study of various factors that influence clogging of filter elements and development of new methods of their regeneration;
  • thickening of activated cake effluents formed during biological wastewater treatment;
  • clarification of industrial and vegetable oils, glycols, alcohols.

What does the customer receive from the research results?
  1. Technological regulations of the dewatering process.
  2. Cyclogram of filtering equipment operation.
  3. Input data for basic engineering.
  4. Operating costs for project feasibility study preparation.
  5. Report on the conducted research and development.

Main activities :
Study of promising technologies for beneficiation of ores of full cycle: from ore preparation to drying.
Research on dewatering of ore beneficiation products.
Research of liquid purification processes in various industries.

Отрасли применения
Patent number Authors Patent name Priority date Granted date
2688574 Krasnyj Aleksandr Borisovich, Disc vacuum filter and method of suspensions filtering 20.09.2018 21.05.2019
Korolev Mikhail Nikolaevich,
Kruglov Aleksandr Viktorovich 
Dmitrakova Ulyana Vadimovna
2693199 Krasnyj Aleksandr Borisovich, Control method of disk vacuum filter and device for its implementation 20.09.2018 01.07.2019
Korolev Mikhail Nikolaevich,
Kruglov Aleksandr Viktorovich 
Zimbovskij Ilya Gennadevich
2699608 Krasnyj Aleksandr Borisovich, Ceramic disc vacuum filter and method of filtering suspensions 20.09.2018 06.09.2019
Korolev Mikhail Nikolaevich,
Kruglov Aleksandr Viktorovich 
Golikov Sergej Aleksandrovich
2739755 Krasnyj Aleksandr Borisovich,

Method of ceramic filter element regeneration and composition for Implementation thereof

26.02.2020 28.12.2020
Korolev Mikhail Nikolaevich,
Kruglov Aleksandr Viktorovich 
Zimbovskij Ilya Gennadevich
2766541 Krasnyj Aleksandr Borisovich,
Korolev Mikhail Nikolaevich,
Zimbovskij Ilya Gennadevich
Kruglov Aleksandr Viktorovich 

Method for deep acid regeneration of ceramic filter element and composition

For its implementation

04.09.2020 15.03.2022
Additional information





PhD (Technical Sciences)












Laboratory Technician (student)






Equipment and R&D

The following equipment is used in the Bakor STC laboratory:

  1. Determination of filterability of mineral slurry on a test bench using a 0.03 square meter ceramic filter element. Own test methodology. Required amount of material - min 7 kg solid (dry or as slurry).  Brief description. A pulp is prepared in a container in which the filter element is lowered for a certain time to simulate the process of sludge collection, then removed from the pulp to simulate the process of cake drying. The time of each operation is interconnected and calculated from the standard speeds of the filter shaft. The filter element is connected to a receiver in which a vacuum controlled by a vacuum gauge is created. The cake after the test is removed from the element, weighed, its thickness is determined and dried in a desiccator (or using an electronic moisture analyzer) to determine the residual moisture.

  2. Prolonged life tests on the СDF-0.3 (Ceramic disk filter-0.3) recycling unit. A minimum of 150 kg of solid material in dry or slurry form is required for testing on this equipment. Tests on this unit are usually carried out for a minimum of 5 working days, 8 hours per day. The filter cycle between regenerations, the average throughput per filter cycle, the regeneration efficiency, the possibility of simultaneous testing of different types of filter elements are determined. Brief description. These tests are carried out on the installation simulating an industrial filter СDF (Ceramic disk filter), which is installed 10 elements with an area of 0.03 square meters. meter. The installation has 2 vacuum receivers, a tank with an agitator and a shaft with elements, a tank for filtrate accumulation, a backwashing pump, as well as a repulpator where the cake and filtrate fall, which in the form of pulp pumped back into the filter tank.

  3. Tests on a "Lenser" cell simulating the press-filtration process. For 1 experiment 80-150 g (depending on the density of the material) are needed. With the help of this equipment the productivity and residual moisture in the process of press-filtration are evaluated, the fabric is selected (the laboratory has several albums with fabrics, about 60-*70 kinds). Brief description. A filter cloth is placed in a 150 mm diameter cell, the cell is hermetically sealed. The receiver is filled with the pulp under study, then pressurized air (4-6 bar) is supplied to the receiver, which directs the pulp into the cell, at this point the filtration process begins. After a certain time, when the filtrate is no longer coming out of the cell, high pressure compressed air (6-10 bar) is introduced to the cell for "re-pressurization" (drying). The system is then depressurized, the cake is discharged, weighed to determine capacity and sent to a drying cabinet (or electronic moisture analyzer) to determine residual moisture content.

  4. Sedimentation and thickening tests: The selection of flocculants is carried out by comparative testing of samples in 500 ml cylinders. A fresh sample of the slurry under study with a known solid content is placed in the cylinder and the flocculant solution is added. After several stirring by turning the cylinder by turning the cylinder, the rate of movement of the boundary of separation of solid and liquid phases (sedimentation rate) between the marks on the cylinder at the level of 450 and 350 ml, as well as a visual assessment of the purity of the drain. The flocculant whose application provides the shortest time of passage of the phase separation boundary between these marks is recognized as the best. Determination of the optimum solid content of the feed is accomplished by conducting solid phase settling tests of the pre-diluted slurry in a 1000 mL measuring cylinder using the previously selected flocculant and its optimum dosage. In this test, the settling time of the solid phase of the slurry is recorded and then the settling curve is plotted, the inflection point of which is used to determine the optimum solid content in the thickener feed.

  5. Studies on filtration of low-concentrated solutions according to our own method using cartridge ceramic filters (CCF). Determination of the possibility of obtaining pure water or electrolytes. Brief description. A CCF filter, which is a hollow cylinder with or without a membrane, is installed in a vessel, hermetically closed, after which the product under pressure (with constant control) is fed into the volume of the vessel to the outer wall of the CCF. The liquid phase passes through the filter element, the solid phase is retained on its surface.

  6. Semi-industrial unit CDF-0.5. Performs the same functions and has the same composition in terms of units as CDF-0.3 recycle, but is mobile and used for semi-industrial tests at customer's facilities. The total filtration area is 0.5 square meters.

  7. TPF-2 (tower press filter, rus. БПФ-2). Semi-industrial sample of press filter, used for filtering tests at customer's facilities. Total filtration area of 2 sq. m. Mobile.

  8. SG-2,5 (rus. СГ-2,5). Radial thickener with a bowl diameter of 2.5 meters. Semi-industrial sample, used for filtration tests at customer sites. Mobile.


  • A.B. Krasnyi[1] , A.V. Kruglov, U.V. Dmitrakova, A.A. Shamygin. "Dehydration of coal concentrate on ceramic disk vacuum filter "Bakor" [Obezvozhivanie ugol'nogo koncentrata na keramicheskom diskovom vakuum-fil'tre«Bakor»]// Coal [Ugol’]. 2022. № 8. P. 117-121. DOI: 10.18796/0041-5790-2022-8-117-121.
  • Dmitrakova U.V., Kruglov A.V., Yushina T.I. Increasing the efficiency of the process of dehydration of non-ferrous metal ores [Povyshenie effektivnosti processa obezvozhivaniya rud cvetnyh metallov] // Scientific foundations and practice of processing of ores and technogenic raw materials [Nauchnye osnovy i praktika pererabotki rud i tekhnogennogo syr'ya]. 2019. P. 179-184.

  • E.D. Chylbak-ool. B.L. Krasnyi, I.G. Zimbovsky, U.V. Dmitrakova "Chemical method of restoration of the filtering ability of ceramic filtering elements" [Himicheskij sposob vosstanovleniya fil'truyushchej sposobnosti keramicheskih fil'truyushchih elementov»] // Ferrous Metals [Chernye metally], 1079, 11.2021

  • Krasnyi A.B., Kruglov A.V., Zimbovsky I.G., Dmitrakova U.V., Yushina T.I., Chylbak-ool E.D.. "Efficient dewatering of suspensions with solid phase content from 1 to 30% on dynamic filter-thickeners and industrial filters" [Effektivnoe obezvozhivanie suspenzij s soderzhaniem tverdoj fazy ot 1 do 30% na dinamicheskih fil'trah-sgustitelyah i promyshlennyh fil'trah] // Chemical Industry Today [Himicheskaya promyshlennost' segodnya] , 3/21

  • E.D. Chylbak-ool, A.V. Kruglov, U.V. Dmitrakova, T.I. Yushina, "Influence of granulometric composition and characteristics of filter fabric on dewatering of hard-to-filter concentrates" [Vliyanie granulometricheskogo sostava i harakteristiki fil'troval'noj tkani na obezvozhivanie trudnofil'truemyh koncentratov] // Non-Ferrous Metals [Cvetnye metally], 8/2021.

  • Experience of application of various filtering equipment at the domestic enterprises [Opyt primeneniya razlichnogo fil'troval'nogo oborudovaniya na otechestvennyh predpriyatiyah ] / U. V. Dmitrakova, A. A. Dmitrakova. V. Dmitrakova, A. V. Kruglov, E. D. Chylbak-ool, T. I. Yushina // Ore Enrichment [Obogashchenie rud ] - 2021. - № 4. - P. 52-56.

  • Influence of the substance composition of the processed raw material in the selection of filtration equipment [Vliyanie veshchestvennogo sostava obezvozhivaemogo syr'ya pri podbore fil'troval'nogo oborudovaniya ] / Kruglov A.V., Dmitrakova U.V., Chylbak-ool E.D., Yushina T.I. // Modern problems of complex and deep processing of mineral raw materials of natural and technogenic origin (Plaksinskiye readings - 2022) [Sovremennye problemy kompleksnoj i glubokoj pererabotki mineral'nogo syr'ya prirodnogo i tekhnogennogo proiskhozhdeniya (Plaksinskie chteniya – 2022)] Proceedings of the International Conference.
