Outcomes of the webinar “Tools for selection of reagent mode and scaling of technological solutions for mineral slurry thickening based on dynamic experiments: import-substituting approach of BAKOR STC”

Outcomes of the webinar “Tools for selection of reagent mode and scaling of technological solutions for mineral slurry thickening based on dynamic experiments: import-substituting approach of BAKOR STC”

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Outcomes of the webinar “Tools for selection of reagent mode and scaling of technological solutions for mineral slurry thickening based on dynamic experiments: import-substituting approach of BAKOR STC”
On 21 June, a webinar from Filtration and Beneficiation  R&D Center of Bakor STC LLC from the cycle of cooperation with the platform "Geowebinars" was held.

The webinar covered complex technical and technological solutions of Bakor STC aimed at effective implementation of projects in the field of various mineral raw materials pulps’ thickening. The webinar also presented the laboratory equipment of R&D center of innovative solutions for dewatering and beneficiation of Bakor STC in the direction of thickening.
The features and differences in conducting experiments on thickening in static and dynamic modes were given. Special attention was paid to the results of performed and ongoing work on thickening, the methodology of selection of the optimal reagent mode for thickening and clarification of recycled water during thickening. Import-substituting approach of Bakor STC in research in the field of thickening and production of high-performance radial thickeners was discussed.

The range of high performance radial thickeners developed by the company and technical and technological solutions for project support during the entire life cycle of thickeners were also presented.

A recording of the webinar is available here:

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