“Karelsky Okatysh” (rus. “Карельский окатыш”) modernises concentrate dewatering technology to improve product quality with Bakor equipment

“Karelsky Okatysh” (rus. “Карельский окатыш”) modernises concentrate dewatering technology to improve product quality with Bakor equipment

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“Karelsky Okatysh” (rus. “Карельский окатыш”) modernises concentrate dewatering technology to improve product quality with Bakor equipment

The filters are dimensionally large equipment with a length of seven metres, a width of three metres and a height of 2.5 metres. Due to design features and high wear and tear, the old units were no longer up to the task. The new filters make it possible to achieve optimum concentrate moisture content and reduce the specific energy consumption at this stage by almost ten times.

Compared to fabric filtration, ceramic equipment is easier to maintain: its design does not require the use of filter cloth, moisture is removed through the micropores of the ceramic elements. The equipment is supplied and serviced by the Russian company Bakor STC.

"As part of the service contract, we maintain scientific support, which allows us to select a ceramic filter element to match the characteristics of the slurry fed to the equipment. We are constantly improving the performance of the vacuum filters. For this purpose, we have developed and launched a programme for their full automation, with the help of which we can monitor the resource of each unit, control equipment parameters and exclude premature wear of certain parts", comments Alexander Kazinov, Commercial Director of Bakor STC.

The modernisation of vacuum filters at the mill has been underway since 2016 and 20 units out of 34 have been upgraded during this time. Two units were launched in September this year.

"The main task of the units is to produce concentrate with stable moisture, which is key to the success of pellet production. These machines will allow us to develop and implement an automated control system for the concentrate pelletising process. 

Thanks to the modernisation of the equipment, we will minimise the risks in the technology and stabilise the quality of the marketable products," says Mikhail Kondrakov, Director of Marketable Products Production at Karelsky Okatysh.

Network edition "64 Parallel Online" full text of the publication  on the portal

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