Technology of manufacturing large-format ceramic refractory products of different composition and structure by 3D-printing method

Technology of manufacturing large-format ceramic refractory products of different composition and structure by 3D-printing method

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The article "Technology of manufacturing large-format ceramic refractory products of different composition and structure by 3D printing" (rus. "Технология изготовления крупноформатных керамических огнеупорных изделий разных состава и структуры методом 3d-печати") was published in the "New Refractories" (rus. "Новые огнеупоры") magazine, July 2023 (page 12)

Authors: Dr. techn. Krasnyi B.L., Dr. techn. Makarov N.A., Ph.D. Ikonnikov K.I., Ph.D. Bernt D.D., Sizova A.S., Galganova A.L., Rodimov O.I.

The technology of 3D printing of large-format ceramic refractories used in thermal units and refractory tooling has been developed. The proposed technology allows to achieve very high interlayer cohesion due to capillary effect at the grain boundary in printed layers and due to this to obtain ceramic refractory products not limited by geometrical dimensions and shape, including ready lining of any thermal units.
Keywords: additive technologies (AT), 3D printing, refractory materials, extrusion, robocasting (DIW), thermal units.

The full content of the article can be read in the magazine.

Krasnyi B.L., Makarov N.A., Ikonnikov K.I., Bernt D.D., Sizova A.S., Galganova A.L., Rodimov O.I. Technology of manufacturing large-format ceramic refractory products of different composition and structure by 3D printing. Part 1. The principle of form building. NOVYE OGNEUPORY (NEW REFRACTORIES). 2023;(7):12-16. (In Russ.)
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