Prospective refractory materials for smelting and sintering alloys based on titanium and other transition metals.

Prospective refractory materials for smelting and sintering alloys based on titanium and other transition metals.

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Prospective refractory materials for smelting and sintering alloys based on titanium and other transition metals.
Prospective refractory materials for smelting and sintering alloys based on titanium and other transition metals. 

Part I. Calcium zirconate synthesis for ceramic products. 


Information about calcium zirconate is presented, its applications and methods of production are considered. It is established that the most simple and economically effective is solid-phase synthesis from calcium carbonate and zirconium dioxide.
Heat treatment of the mixture of initial powders at different temperatures was carried out, it was found that 1300℃ for 4 h is enough for complete synthesis. The obtained powder has sintering activity and is suitable for the production of technical ceramics and refractories, including for melting and sintering of materials from titanium and titanium alloys. 

Keywords: calcium zirconate, titanium alloys, solid-phase synthesis.

Full text of the article see in the magazine "New Refractories" (rus. “Новые огнеупоры”).

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Authors of the article: B. L. Krasniy, Dr. techn., K. I. Ikonnikov ( ), A. L. Galganova, O. I. Rodimov K. I. Ikonnikov E-mail: BAKOR STC LLC, Moscow, Shcherbinka, Russia УДК 666.3.022.1:546.831.4 

Krasniy B.L., Ikonnikov K.I., Galganova A.I., Rodimov O.I. Prospective refractory materials for smelting and sintering alloys based on titanium and other transition metals. Part I. Calcium zirconate synthesis for ceramic products. NOVYE OGNEUPORY (NEW REFRACTORIES). 2022;(2):7-11. (In Russ.)

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