The 1980s. Start of activity
On the basis of the Central Problem Laboratory of Phosphate Materials by the Decision of the Government of the USSR in order to eliminate the backlog in the development and application of effective corrosion-resistant refractory products and thermal insulation materials
1991. Creation of CJSC "STC "Bakor"
The main activity of Bakor was the development of effective corrosion-resistant refractories and thermal insulation materials for special purpose glass furnaces.
Development of materials, technologies and industrial development of production of ceramic filter elements. Ceramic filter elements were developed by order of Norilsk Nickel, which was the beginning of the development of research in the field of porous ceramics. Unique technologies for the production of filter elements from porous permeable ceramics were created.
Development of a ceramic vacuum disk filter (KDF) project for dewatering concentrates. The first ceramic vacuum disk filter of a unique design has been designed.
In 2013, its industrial tests were successfully carried out at the Lebedinsky GOK, and since that time the machine-building activity of the Bakor company has begun. In 2016, a research center for innovative solutions in the field of enrichment and dehydration was organized.
In 2017, STC "Bakor" in the ranking of 30 high-tech enterprises in Russia The company has entered the top thirty most dynamically developing high-tech enterprises in Russia. In 2018, a dust and gas cleaning laboratory was organized, as well as the STC "Bakor" received the status of a Russian exporter and the possibility of using the "Made in Russia" mark on its products Bakor's products are supplied to 16 countries of the world: Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, India, Macedonia, Germany, USA, Chile, South Africa, Australia, Peru, Austria, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico
In 2019, STC "Bakor" is included in the Moscow Innovation Cluster In 2020, STC Bakor received the status of an Industrial complex in Moscow