Main activities:

  1. Development of new types of refractory products, thermal insulation materials and technical ceramics for any conditions of the consumer;

  2. Continuous improvement of the existing product line;

  3. Operational introduction and technical support of new technologies in production;

  4. Technical support of pilot deliveries


The laboratories are equipped with modern analytical, mixing and molding laboratory equipment. 

 1. Semi-industrial: Intensive mixer, runners, shelf, ball and planetary mills, 10 and 200 tons hydraulic presses, 1800 and 1650  ℃ furnaces. 

 2. Analytical: Scanning Electron Microscope Phenom ProX, Horizontal Dilatometer with pusher Netzsch DIL 402 Expedis, Synchronous Thermal Analysis Instrument STA 445 F5 Jupiter, M-Meter (rus. М-Метр) Pore Space Analyzer, Wet Chemistry Laboratory, as well as: System for Surface Area and Porosity Analysis of hard materials ASAP 2020.

Name of measuring instrument, type (brand), registration number in the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements (if available)

Measuring range

Hydraulic press MS-2000 (rus. МС-2000), State Register No. 9605-84 

0 to 2000 kN

Hydraulic press P-10, (rus. П-10), State Register No. 2897-12

0 to 100 kN

Motorized test bench MEGEON-031005 (rus. МЕГЕОН-031005)

Load up to 5kN

Dynamometer MEGEON-43005 (rus. МЕГЕОН-43005)

0 to 5kN

PSX-10a (rus. ПСХ-10а)

100-60000 cm2/g

Spectrophotometer PE-5400VI (rus. ПЭ-5400ВИ), State Register No. 444866-10 

Spectral range 315-1000 nm

Automatic flame photometer, FPA-2-01 (rus. ФПА-2-01), State Register No. 66391-17 

Spectral range 350-950 nm

Thermogravimetric infrared moisture meter - moisture analyzer MA-45 (rus. МА-45), State Register No. 26788-04

Minimum sample weight 0.1 g

Maximum sample weight 45 g

Brookfield rotary viscometer

10 to 40106 centipoise

Derivatograph-high-temperature thermoanalyzer synchronous modification STA 449 F5 Jupiter, State Register No. 60486-15

Temperature measurement range 30-770℃

Measurement range of specific heat of phase transitions from 10 to 1000 kJ/kg

Highest weighing limit 35000mg

DIL 402 EXPEDIS Classic high-temperature dilatometer, State Register No. 65725-16.

TEC (Thermal expansion coefficient) measurement range from +210-7 to +2610-6 K-1

Measurement range of specific increments from -0,20 to +0,87 mm

Linear increment readout range from -5 to + 25 mm

Fritsch Analysette 22, State Register No. 27562-04

0.01 to 1000 µm

Pore space meter M-Meter (rus. М-Метр)

Permeability determination range from 0.1 to 10,000 mD

Pore size range from 0.4 to 500 µm

Magnit-704 (rus. Магнит-704) magnetic materials mass fraction meter

0 to 3 wt.%

Scanning electron microscope Phenom ProX G6

With EDS detector, magnification up to 350,000x

Laboratory muffle furnace LF-9/11 V2

Heating up to 1100 ℃

Electric chamber furnace TK.10.1300.K.1F (TK.10.13 THERMOCERAMICS)

Heating up to 1300 ℃

Furnace SNOL- (rus. СНОЛ-2.2.3,4/18)

Heating up to 1800 ℃

Furnace SNOL 12/16 (rus. СНОЛ 12/16)

Heating up to 1250 ℃

Drying cabinet SNOL- (rus. СНОЛ-3,5.3,5.3,5/3,5-И1)

Heating up to 300 ℃

Drying cabinet SNOL-3,5.5.3,5/5-I2 (rus. СНОЛ-3,5.5.3,5/5-И2)

Heating up to 500 ℃ 

Screening machine TYLER Ro-Tap RX-29-10 with sieve set

Intensive mixer CQM10 VOSTOKZAPAD (rus. ВОСТОКЗАПАД) 02.03.2020

V = 20 L

Mixer paddle mixer SL/50-Z (rus. СЛ/50-Z) with electric drive

V = 5 L


V = 20 L

Ball mill

V = 60 L

Paddle Mixer MN-70

V = 7 L

Laboratory Mill ML-1 Kaluga (rus. МЛ-1 Калуга)

Planetary mill FRITSCH Pulverisette

4 drums of 0,25 L

Heat-Cold Chamber KTH-74-40/165 (rus. КТХ-74-40/165)

-40 to + 200 ℃

Normal curing chamber KNT-24 (rus КНТ-24)

Humidity up to 100 %

Temperature up to 80 ℃

Lyophilic dryer VLP-4

Maximum load 6 kg

Optical microscope MBS (rus. MBS)

Magnification up to 60x

Ultrasonic bath 18-35s

V=2 L

Installation for determination of abrasion strength LKI 3 (ЛКИ 3)

Disk rotation 28 rpm, load on abraded sample up to 0,5 MPa

Water absorption express control unit EKV (rus ЭКВ)


1. Krasnyi B. L., Ikonnikov K. I., Lemeshev D. O., Bernt D. D., Sizova A. S., Galganova A. L., Rodimov O. I. Influence of drying methods on the properties of the element made on the basis of aluminosilicate fibers for filtration of hot gases [Vliyanie sposobov sushki na svojstva elementa, izgotovlennogo na osnove alyumosilikatnyh volokon, dlya fil'tracii goryachih gazov] // XIX International Conference of Refractories and Metallurgy [XIX Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya ogneuporshchikov i metallurgov]. Theses of reports - Moscow, 2022. P.19

2. A. Sizova O. Rodimov A. Galganova D. Lemeshev D. Bernt B. Krasnyi K. Ikonnikov, Influence of drying process on the aluminosilicate fiber hot gases filter element properties  // Ceramics International. 2022 Vol. 48, Issue 19, Part B, P. 29165-29174

3. B.L. Krasnyi, K.I. Ikonnikov, D.O. Lemeshev, A.L. Galganova, A. S. Sizova Investigation of the Possibility of Using Light Aluminosilicate Components of Fly Ash for the Production of Refractory Heat-Insulating Materials // Glass and Ceramics. 2021 Vol. 78, No. 7-8, P. 323-327 

4. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, A. L. Galganova, Refractory chromium-containing compositions for the production of continuous basalt fiber [Ogneupornye hromsoderzhashchie kompozicii dlya  proizvodstva nepreryvnogo bazal'tovogo volokna] // Glass Russia. 2022. January-February. P. 25-27.

5. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, A. L. Galganova, O. I. Rodimov Perspective refractory materials for melting and sintering of alloys based on titanium and other transition metals [Perspektivnye ogneupornye materialy dlya plavki i spekaniya splavov na osnove titana i drugih perekhodnyh metallov]. Part I. Synthesis of calcium zirconate for ceramic products [CHast' I. Sintez cirkonata kal'ciya dlya keramicheskih izdelij] // New Refractories [Novye ogneupory]. 2022. №2. P.7-11.

6. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, A. L. Galganova, O. I. Rodimov Synthesis and sintering of refractory calcium zirconate for high-temperature service in contact with titanium and alloys based on it [Sintez i spekanie ogneupornogo cirkonata kal'ciya dlya vysokotemperaturnoj sluzhby v kontakte s titanom i splavami na ego osnove] // Non-Ferrous Metals [Cvetnye metally]. 2022. № 1. P. 49-55.

7. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, A. S. Sizova, D. O. Lemeshev Oxide-containing mineral fibers: types, methods of production, applications and manufacturers (review) [Oksidsoderzhashchie mineral'nye volokna: vidy, sposoby polucheniya, primeneniya i proizvoditeli (obzor)] // Glass and Ceramics [Steklo i keramika]. 2022. № 1. P. 39-50.

8. B. L. Krasniy, K. I. Ikonnikov, A. L. Galganova Effect of dispergants on the properties of low-cement concrete for jewelry waste melting furnaces // Refractories and Industrial Ceramics. 2021 Vol. 62, No. 4, P. 471-474.

9. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, A. S. Sizova, D. O. Lemeshev Investigation of the possibility of using light aluminosilicate components of fly ash for the production of lightweight refractory materials [Issledovanie vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya legkih alyumosilikatnyh komponentov zoly unosa dlya proizvodstva legkovesnyh ogneupornyh materialov] // Glass and Ceramics [Steklo i keramika]. 2021. № 8. P. 29-34

10. Krasnyi B. L., Ikonnikov K. I., Galganova A. L. Effect of dispersants on the properties of low-cement concrete for the furnace melting of jewelry production waste [Vliyanie dispergatorov na svojstva nizkocementnogo betona dlya pechi plavki othodov yuvelirnogo proizvodstva] // New Refractories [Novye ogneupory]. 2021. № 8. P.49-52.

11. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, D. O. Lemeshev, A. S. Sizova Fly Ash as Technogenic Raw Material for Producing Refractory and Insulating Ceramic Materials (Review) // Glass and Ceramics. 2021 V 78, P. 48-56.

12. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, D. O. Lemeshev, A. L. Galganova, A. S. Sizova Refractory thermal insulation materials obtained using technogenic raw materials - light aluminosilicate components of fly ash [Ogneupornye teploizolyacionnye materialy, poluchennye s ispol'zovaniem tekhnogennogo syr'ya - legkih alyumosilikatnyh komponentov letuchej zoly] // New Refractories [Novye ogneupory]. 2021. № 5. P. 24-25.

13. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, A. S. Sizova, D. O. Lemeshev Fly ash as a technogenic raw material for production of refractory and insulating ceramic materials (review) [Letuchaya zola kak tekhnogennoe syr'e dlya polucheniya ogneupornyh i izolyacionnyh keramicheskih materialov (obzor)] // Glass and Ceramics [Steklo i keramika]. 2021. № 2. P. 9-19.

14. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, V. S. Anikanov, A. L. Galganova, M. A. Mikhailov The possibility of using high quality fused periclase in the technology of manufacturing crucibles for vacuum induction melting [Vozmozhnost' primeneniya vysokokachestvennogo plavlenogo periklaza v tekhnologii izgotovleniya tiglej dlya vakuumno-indukcionnoj plavki] // Casting and Metallurgy  [Lit'e i metallurgiya.]. 2019. № 3. P. 60-64.

15. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, O. I. Rodimov, M. O. Senina Ceramic gas filters for purification of waste hot gases of thermal units of ferrous metallurgy [Keramicheskie gazovye fil'try dlya ochistki othodyashchih goryachih gazov teplovyh agregatov chernoj metallurgii] // Ferrous Metals [Chernye metally] 2020. № 10. P. 45-49.

16. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, V. S. Anikanov, A. L. Galganova, M. A. Mikhailov Periclase crucibles for melting the heat-resistant alloys based on nickel and cobalt [Periklazovye tigli dlya plavki zharoprochnyh splavov na osnove nikelya i kobal'ta] // Machine Building Metallurgy [Metallurgiya mashinostroeniya]. 2020 № 1. P. 10-13.

17. Krasnyi, B.L.; Ikonnikov, K.I.; Serebryansky, D.A.; Vartanyan, M.A.; Rodimov, O.I. Ceramic gas filters for purification of waste hot gases of thermal units of ferrous metallurgy [Keramicheskie gazovye fil'try dlya ochistki othodyashchih goryachih gazov teplovyh agregatov chernoj metallurgii] // New refractories [Novye ogneupory]. 2019. № 5. P.41.

18. Krasnyi B.L., Ikonnikov K.I., Vartanyan M.A., Rodimov O.I. Obtaining porous permeable ceramics based on silicon carbide for filtration of hot flue gases (review) [Poluchenie poristoj pronicaemoj keramiki na osnove karbida kremniya dlya fil'tracii goryachih dymovyh gazov (obzor)] // New refractories [Novye ogneupory]. 2019. № 7. P.36-42.

19. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, M. A. Vartanyan, and O. I. Rodimov Preparation of porous permeable ceramic based on silicon carbide for hot flue gas filtration // Refractories and Industrial Ceramics. November, 2019. Vol. 60, No. 4, P. 355-361.

20. 20. B. L. Krasnyi, K. I. Ikonnikov, M. N. Korolev, A. V. Kruglov, G. S. Shul, V. S. Volkov, A. N. Korneichuk Development of large-size ceramic membranes of composite type by sandwich technology [Razrabotka bol'sherazmernyh keramicheskih membran kompozicionnogo tipa po sendvich tekhnologii ] // Abstracts of the XXII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Designs and technologies for obtaining products from nonmetallic materials” [“Konstrukcii i tekhnologii polucheniya izdelij iz nemetallicheskih materialov.”]. Obninsk. 2019. P. 300 - 303



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