The gas purification laboratory is accredited according to GOST ISO/IEC - 17025-2019.

Dust and gas purufication tasks:

  1. Development and implementation of highly efficient, high-temperature gas purification equipment
  2. Low-cost modernization of existing systems and apparatuses of gas purification at enterprises.


Calculation of gas purification efficiency and energy costs
Audit (survey) of gas purification systems and apparatuses
Carrying out test trials of the pilot installation of CPF (ceramic pulse filter)


  1. B.L. Krasnyi, A.B. Krasnyi, D.A. Serebryansky, M.V. Antonov. Innovative Complex Solutions for Waste Gas Cleaning in Ferrous Metallurgy. Technical solutions for purification of high-temperature gas streams [Innovacionnye kompleksnye resheniya po ochistke othodyashchih gazov v chernoj metallurgii. Tekhnicheskie resheniya dlya ochistki vysokotemperaturnyh gazovyh potokov]. // Bulletin "Ferrous Metallurgy"  [Chernaya metallurgiya] Vol. 77 No. 2 2021 P. 200 - 208.

  2. D.A. Serebryansky, M.N. Korolev, M.V. Antonov. Innovative Complex Solutions for Waste Gas Cleaning in Ferrous Metallurgy. Technical solutions for cleaning of dusty gas streams [ Innovacionnye kompleksnye resheniya po ochistke othodyashchih gazov v chernoj metallurgii. Tekhnicheskie resheniya dlya ochistki zapylennyh gazovyh potokov]. // Bulletin "Ferrous Metallurgy" [Chernaya metallurgiya] Vol. 77 No. 5 .2021 P. 593-601.

  3. Serebryansky D.A., Krasny A.B., Korolev M.N., Slastilov A.A., Drabchuk E.A. "High-temperature gas purification in metallurgical processes" [Vysokotemperaturnaya gazoochistka v metallurgicheskih processah] // Conference Proceedings of the XIV International Conference "Metallurgy-IntechEco-2022" [«Metallurgiya-IntekhEko-202]. 2022. №1. P. 23-28.
  4. Krasny B.L., Serebryansky D.A., Slastilov A.A. "Purification of flue gases in the catalytic ceramic filter" [Ochistka dymovyh gazov v kataliticheskom keramicheskom fil'tre» ] // Problems of subsoil development in the XXI century through the eyes of the young [Problemy osvoeniya nedr v XXI veke glazami molodyh] (Proceedings of the15th International Scientific School of Young Scientists and Specialists October 25-28, 2021) 2022. №15. P. 328-332
  5. Krasnyi B.L., Krasnyi A.B., Korolev M.N., Serebryansky D.A., Slastilov A.A., Tyapkova I.O., Yashnik S.A., Shikina N.V., Khairulin S.R., Noskov A.S., Ismagilov Z.R. "Highly efficient purification of gases in the catalytic ceramic filter" [Vysokoeffektivnaya ochistka gazov v kataliticheskom keramicheskom fil'tre] // Conference Proceedings of the IV Russian Congress on Catalysis. 2022. №2. P. 522-523
  6. Krasnyi B.L., Krasnyi A.B., Drabchuk E.A., Serebryansky D.A., Slastilov A.A., Koltunov A.P. "Gas purification in ceramic catalytic filters" [Ochistka gazov v keramicheskih kataliticheskih fil'trah»] // Conference Proceedings of the XV International Conference "Dust and Gas Purification-2022 [PyleGazoochistka-2022]". 2022. №9. P. 73-77.

  7. Serebryansky D.A., Drabchuk E.A. "System of complex purification of high-temperature flue and process gases with the use of catalytically active ceramic filter" [Sistema kompleksnoj ochistki vysokotemperaturnyh dymovyh i tekhnologicheskih gazov s primeneniem kataliticheski aktivnogo keramicheskogo fil'tra] // Collection of abstracts "Ecology, industrial safety and labor protection. [Sbornik tezisov «Ekologiya, promyshlennaya bezopasnost' i ohrana truda] Р2: Development and realization of projects on improvement of ecological situation. Reduction of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air" [Razrabotka i realizaciya proektov po uluchsheniyu ekologicheskoj obstanovki. Snizhenie vybrosov zagryaznyayushchih veshchestv v atmosfernyj vozduh] SeymartecEcology-2022. (    



Customized technical solutions
We develop high performance gas purification systems, customized to meet the needs of specific industries.
