Our customers

Our customers

Our products are in demand by aircraft engine building, shipbuilding, as well as gas, glass, mining and metallurgical, oil and gas chemical and other industries. Its customers are more than 300 enterprises, including Severstal, Norilsk Nickel, Rosatom, Phosagro, Eurochem, Metalloinvest and many others.
In terms of quality and characteristics, Bakor STC refractory products are often superior to their European counterparts, but at the same time they are cheaper. Therefore, the strongest export component is another advantage of the enterprise. Bakor STC has the status of "Russian exporter" and its products are successfully sold in 16 countries of the world: Australia, Austria, Belarus, Germany, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Peru, Macedonia, Mexico, USA, Ukraine, Chile, South Africa.